Today im gonna write this in English! Very interesting if you ask me, but i guess that it's good to practice my english a bit since it feels like im forgetting every single word that i once had in my little english vocabulary.. its that damn Benitas fault,every time she opens her mouth i just want to tell her to put a fucking sock in it!
Now that i've had my little anger management i can tell you what i did today! At first i woke up at amandas place and boy was i tired when she woke me up at eleven o'clock! Those damn children outside just kept screaming and laughing i felt like i just wanted to kill them all! no one messes with me in the morning, just warning ya. however, when i finally got out of bed, i had a really nice breakfast and i also had some pineapple on her balcony! As fine as frog's hair as i would say! After that we left for her dads place and she took a shower while i was cuddling with the kittens, OMG they are adorable. The rest of the day i've spent in the stable, working. But this was no ordinary day, cos its my birthday! no, i kidding you, but it was the so called "måndagscupen" its like showjumping and everyone is just having a really nice time, and since it was the last riding lesson for this term, some people brought bisquits and we got some! yay just gotta love it.